How to Dispose of PPE Correctly?

how to dispose of ppe correctly

How to Dispose of PPE Correctly?

As we have seen, PPE refers to all equipment which is intended to protect people working in hazardous environments. There are different types of PPE, ranging from face masks to gloves, coveralls, helmets, eye protection, ear protection and more, which can be both reusable or intended for single use. Whether it can be used multiple times or not, it is essential to know how to dispose of PPE correctly to avoid any risks.

Non-contaminated PPE

If your PPE has not been in contact with infectious or hazardous bacteria, it can be disposed of without any special treatment. However, there are two aspects that you must consider. First of all, you need to make sure that your PPE is properly destroyed to prevent it from being used again. In fact, using protective equipment that is damaged or outdated can be extremely dangerous as it will no longer provide the protection you need. Secondly, you should remember that PPE cannot be recycled through traditional means, so it is important not to put it in your recycling bin. If you want to make a sustainable choice, you must contact specific companies that will take care of your waste. For example, Healthy Bean has partnered with Terracycle, an innovative recycling company that has become a global leader in recycling hard-to-recycle materials. Our clients can create a Terracycle account to join their recycling scheme and schedule a weekly, monthly or quarterly collection of hard to recycle items.

Contaminated PPE

Disposable PPE like masks, gloves, overshoes and aprons are often used in hospitals or laboratories where workers often come in contact with or handle biohazards. Moreover, because of the pandemic, in the last couple of years the use of type of disposable PPE has become more common not only in workplaces, but also in everyday life. For this reason, knowing how to dispose of PPE correctly is essential to prevent the spread of bacteria and infections. In hospitals and healthcare businesses there should always be a specific bin for medical waste that cannot be accessed to the public to keep everyone safe. When disposable PPE is used outside of the workplace, it can be thrown away in a regular mixed waste bin. However, it is good practice to put the protective equipment – especially masks and gloves – into a separate plastic bag and tie it off before placing it into the bin. Remember you should always wash your hands after throwing your PPE away.

Now that you know how to dispose of PPE correctly, contact us or browse our website to find the best PPE for you and you team.

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